Tag Archives: Progress

5 Ways Your Life Will Transform If You Adopt These 5 Key Mindsets

Changing your mindset can radically transform your life and business. Your frame of mind has a direct impact on everything you do. Adopting ways of thinking that are positive, creative, and growth-minded can help you achieve whatever you want.   There are 5 key mindsets for success that can turn your life around: Growth Mindset.…
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How would you feel?

It is midafternoon, you arrive at the airport, check in and go through security with no problem. You are relaxing inside the airline lounge before a long transatlantic flight. On a fluke, you check availability for business class. After all, it is a long flight from Los Angeles to London. You worked late the night…
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Get Ready To TAN

Are you ready to TAN? Before I share with you what TAN stand for, let me circle back to a recent blog post. I wrote about the 2 “Must Do” activities that will change your business. Today, I am going to elaborate a little more, specifically on Taking Action! You can have the best idea…
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Is your business running your life

A few weeks ago, I was completing a job application for the first time in probably 25+ years. As a licensed captain and certified sailing instructor, I truly enjoy sharing my knowledge and passion for the sea with others. Whether I am teaching sailing, or captaining a charter boat for a corporate event, or for…
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Be Curious

Being curious means being interested in knowing or learning something new and not settling for the status quo. Innovations and discoveries happen because someone is not settling for how things are being done. Just think about the innovations that you have observed in your lifetime. You probably know about a few companies who went out…
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