A few weeks ago, I was completing a job application for the first time in probably 25+ years. As a licensed captain and certified sailing instructor, I truly enjoy sharing my knowledge and passion for the sea with others. Whether I am teaching sailing, or captaining a charter boat for a corporate event, or for…
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Be Curious
Being curious means being interested in knowing or learning something new and not settling for the status quo. Innovations and discoveries happen because someone is not settling for how things are being done. Just think about the innovations that you have observed in your lifetime. You probably know about a few companies who went out…
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Sharpen Your Axe
Abraham Lincoln once said “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”. How about you? Have you sharpened your axe lately? “Well, my axe is sharp”, you might say. Yet Abraham Lincoln never said that he’d start out with a dull axe. Maybe he…
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