Happy Fourth of July

Every year the United States celebrates Independence Day on July 4th.

Although I have some general knowledge of the origin of Independence day, I wanted to learn a little more about it. It became clear to me that the activities leading to independence from Great Britain resemble the pattern that I share in my goal setting workshops.

There are 3 basic steps needed to necessitate change.

Let's go back to July 4th, 1776. This is the day when the 13 colonies decided to sever their political connection to Great Britain, as outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

What actually happened?

Great Britain, in need of cash after the war with France, decided to impose taxes onto the colonists. That did not sit well with them, especially because each colony had already collected certain taxes, which were used locally. It wasn't just one event that lead to the war, rather a series of events that escalated the tension between the colonies and Great Britain. The colonists became convinced that parliament wanted to take away their freedom. 

The uprising started out with riots in early 1775 and grew from there.

Step 1: Take Action.

In this case, the people in the colonies were fed up with how they were being treated by Great Britain and were not willing to take it any longer. They took action!

What are you not willing to accept any longer in your life?

What action can you take to create change?


Keep in mind that gaining independence was not something the settlers living in the colonies set out to achieve. Their objective was to force Great Britain to back down and to reconsider their treatment of the colonies. When their pleas fell on deaf ears, they decided to sever all ties to Great Britain.

It took a few months to draft the Declaration of Independence, and get it passed through the different channels within the colonies. The day the Continental Congress ultimately adopted it, was July 4th, 1776.

Step 2: Have a clearly defined goal of what you are planning to achieve and why!

For the colonies the goal was clear! They wanted to put an end to how they were being treated by Great Britain. At the beginning by fighting against them, so that Great Britain would reconsider the taxation and other "burdens". When it became clear that that would not happen, they pursued their independence. Either way, they achieved what they set out to do.

What is it that you would like to accomplish and why? It is vital for you to know what you want, rather than just knowing what it is you do NOT want.


July 4th, 1776 was not the end of the revolutionary war.

Great Britain did not just roll over and walk away. People fought for what they believed in and thousands of soldiers were killed, paying the ultimate price. I am sure it wasn't easy for anyone. There were victories, followed by defeat, and vice versa.

More than 7 years after the Declaration of Independence was adopted, the peace treaty of Paris was signed on September 3rd, 1783 which officially ended the Revolutionary War.

Was it worth it? I am sure there are many who would say "yes", and probably also some who would disagree.

Step 3: Do not give up.

I believe the colonial soldiers were highly motivated. Probably more so than the soldiers who came over from Europe to fight on the side of Great Britain.

Do what it takes to achieve your goal. When you feel defeated or faced with a challenging situation choose the best plan of action in response.

Time to pick YOUR Independence Day!

What would you like to declare your independence from and why?

Step 1: What action will you take?

Step 2:What is your goal?

Step 3: And last but not least, don't give up. 

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